Fly with your pets!

Our furry friends are definitely a member of the family, therefore we welcome your pets on board, as they are just as important to us as they are to you, and we are sure that they will be able to enjoy a peaceful trip just as much as we do.

All our flights are completely private, so they are perfectly adjusted to the needs of your pets, and in this way we can avoid traumatic situations caused by traveling locked in a hold, surrounded by luggage or other pets; along these lines, we can take care of both the mental and physical health of our pets.

Fly with your pets Vuelatour

In order to take proper care of your pet’s health, you must have the following documentation:

Documentation needed for your pet on domestic flights:

  • Vaccination card.
  • Anti-rabies vaccination carried out, which shows the date of application and its duration. If your pet is less than 3 months old, this requirement is not taken into account.
  • A certificate of good health signed by a veterinarian; this certificate is valid until 5 days after its date of issue and must have the following content: name and address of the owner, breed sex, age, the color of the animal, address of origin, and its destination.

Documentation needed for your pet on international flights:

  • Vaccination card.
  • Rabies vaccination carried out, which shows the date of application and its duration. If your pet is less than 3 months old, this requirement is not taken into account.
  • A certificate of good health signed by a veterinarian; this certificate is valid until 5 days after its date of issue and must have the following content: name and address of the owner, breed, sex, age, the color of the animal, address of origin and its destination.
  • Animal health certificate for export issued by SAGARPA-SENASICA (except for flights to the United States).
  • If your pet leaves Mexico and returns to the country within 15 years, the same document can be used for both sections, as long as the rabies vaccine is current.
  • Your pet must have deworming within the first six months prior to its arrival in Mexico, the date of application of the deworming must be available.

We are happy to meet your pets and take them and you to your destination quickly, safely, and calmly on one of our national and international private charter flights. In case you have any questions, we are at your disposal and ready to guide you through the whole process.